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- College Park Physical Therapy
Physical therapy serves as a cornerstone of healthcare, wielding transformational power to restore patients to their daily routines, bolster their independence, and reignite their confidence. The real impact of physical therapy, however, does not solely reside in its rehabilitative potential but emanates from the personalized care and individualized attention it bestows upon each seeker of its benefits.
College Park Physical Therapy (College Park PT), a beacon of healing and wellness, offers customized treatment plans encompassing recovery, education, injury prevention, and pain alleviation. What sets it apart is its commitment to providing one-on-one care—a rarity in many clinical settings.
“We ensure that each patient becomes our sole focus, receiving physical therapy personalized to their unique wants and needs."
Its hallmark is delivering top-tier care, meticulously selecting team members who prioritize patient well-being above all else. Its motto, ‘We care more,’ underscores a dedication to elevating patient experiences.
College Park PT extends a wide array of specialized manual therapies, including cupping, instrument-assisted soft tissue mobilization, and dry needling, as part of its holistic healing approach. It also offers medical massage services. Collaborating closely with seasoned massage therapists, treatment plans are tailored to target problem areas, ensuring a swift and efficient path to recovery.
A detailed procedure identifies patients’ needs, deficits, and goals, enabling CPPT’s therapists to concentrate on what matters to the patient, whether it is returning to work, embracing family activities, pursuing hobbies, or regaining everyday functionality.
For individuals facing difficulties with traditional land-based therapies due to mobility constraints and physical limitations, College Park PT offers aquatic therapy. Therapists work directly with patients in a pool, greatly improving performance and comfort, and successful outcomes.
College Park PT also offers specialty nerve testing diagnostic services comprising nerve conduction studies (NCS) and electromyography (EMG) diagnostic services. NCS is used to measure the health of patients’ nerves, while an EMG test measures the electrical activity of muscles at rest and during contraction. This enables physicians and therapists to examine the health of patients’ nerves and muscles, and determine the best course of action for them.
We ensure that each patient becomes our sole focus, receiving physical therapy personalized to their unique wants and needs
Going beyond conventional physical therapy, College Park PT conducts holistic assessments for each patient, evaluating their breathing patterns and postural alignment. This approach is rooted in the recognition of the pivotal role of proper breathing to alleviate muscle tension, headaches, neck and back pain, hip discomfort, and even balance issues.
College Park PT takes immense pride in its therapists, who always strive to deliver the pinnacle of patient experiences. Some have undergone special training in balance therapies for patients afflicted with Parkinson’s disease and multiple sclerosis.
Embedding a culture playbook into its company ethos, College Park PT operates on three core beliefs—an unwavering commitment to building a collaborative team, the provision of excellent care and service, and the relentless pursuit of excellence. These beliefs are accompanied by behaviors that steer interactions and decision-making processes.
Through these core beliefs, College Park PT overarching objective is to nurture an environment where every member adores their work and cherishes their patients, leading to better care outcomes. They firmly believe that exceptional care and service pave the way for every patient to script a success story. Their ceaseless quest for excellence ensures perpetual growth and improvement, making them better at caring for patients with each passing day.
College Park Physical Therapy stands out for its patient-centric approach, prioritizing personalized attention for each patient as an individual. It offers a lifeline to those seeking to regain their independence, confidence, and quality of life through its extensive array of specialized physical therapies.
Company : College Park Physical Therapy
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. ManagementShelley Lewis, Physical Therapist
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