9 APRIL - JUNE 2023treating prostate, gynecological, and other cancers while minimizing the duration of exposure for nearby normal tissues. TrueBeam by Varian: Many tumors are difficult to target, which is why the state-of-the-art linear accelerator is an integral part of our arsenal. A linear accelerator delivers intense doses of radiation that conform to the tumor's shape. Advanced technology like the TrueBeam also provides a variety of advanced treatment techniques, such as syncing with the patient's respiration.Four-Dimensional Computed (4D CT) Scanning: 4D technology is another tool helping us better target tumors that move within the body. This technology allows us to visualize the motion induced by normal respiration and is particularly useful for treating lung cancer, where the tumor is constantly moving as the patient breathes.Ethos by Varian: Ethos therapy redefines personalized cancer care by using AI to predict the patient's daily anatomy changes (tumor shrinkage, weight gain or loss, etc.) and optimize radiation doses accordingly. By providing the most current view of the patient's anatomy in exquisite detail, Ethos therapy can help adapt treatment plans for increased precision.MIRIDIAN MR Linac by Viewray: MRI is often the imaging modality of choice because it does not involve radiation. New technology merges MRI capabilities with radiation oncology, providing state-of-the-art and real-time tumor location allowing radiation oncologists to adapt the radiation in near real-time with each session. As a radiation oncologist, I always seek new modalities and treatments to ensure our patients the best possible outcomes. That is why my team also engages in clinical research and clinical trials. These efforts, combined with extraordinary technological advances, help our field deliver exciting new hope for cancer care and cures. NEW TECHNOLOGY MERGES MRI CAPABILITIES WITH RADIATION ONCOLOGY, PROVIDING STATE-OF-THE-ART AND REAL-TIME TUMOR LOCATION ALLOWING RADIATION ONCOLOGISTS TO ADAPT THE RADIATION IN NEAR REAL-TIME WITH EACH SESSION
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